Friday, September 13, 2013

How to write a great blog post -21 fool proof techniques-

By Elusoji Sodeeq   Posted at  9/13/2013 03:44:00 PM   great content No comments

Every blogger wants to be able to write interesting and sensational blog

posts that keep readers salivating in anticipation for the upcoming posts.
Well, for me, I used to think it is hard to write a good and great blog

post, but what I have realized is that "thinking of how hard it is; is the

worst thing am doing to myself". In this article, I will show you the

techniques I use to get myself going and which you can also use to write your subsequent posts.
1) Have you started yet?
Of course, to write anything good, you have to put aside the "what can i

write" thoughts and get your pen rolling. Stop procrastinating now, put on

your PC and starting typing (or your pen and paper).
2) How catchy is your blog post title?
Fact has it that: "your post title is what will determine whether readers

will be interested in reading your blog post or not". To write a good and great

blog post, you need to learn how to use interesting and attention catching
post titles.
3)Use Images:
Do you still remember this? "A picture is worth a thousand

words". Well, that quote still applies to writing a good blog post.
There are different sets of readers who read your blog:
i) the impatient readers: these category of readers are very busy

people and they have no time to read all of those lengthy texts, they just

skim through your post to look for images that can explain what your post

is about to them in just a glance. If your image is self explanatory

enough, they might even take the time to read your entire post.
ii) another set of readers are those that love to learn by 

visual aids. They might read your entire post, but still, they might not

get you until they see an image or video that makes it clearer to them.
So, by using images in your blog posts, you are killing many birds

with one stone.
4) Be conversational:
Hey, your blog post is not another essay competition. When writing blog posts,

be as conversational as possible and try not to make everything too

formal. Nobody wants to bored by another lecture room session. You will

agree with me that explaining something to a friend will make itself easier to

understand compared to " a boss explaining a concept to a worker". Your

readers are your friends and try to be as friendly and informal as

possible. (Read:Common mistakes bloggers make).
5) There's love in linking.
Yes, there is. Use the links, they are there for you to use. Some of the

benefits of linking and linking well are that: it makes navigation easier

for your readers, therefore improving user experience. And you know what

that means? readers keep coming for more.
 The second benefit of proper linking is the fact that it optimizes your

blog for search engines.(Read: Tools to help you trap your ideas).
6) How informative is your introduction?
After readers must have clicked through your blog title, the next thing they will see are the first three or four lines of your post. Will they read your post all the way down? well , that depends on how interesting your introductory paragraph is.
So, try to make your introductory words contain certain key words that will make readers interested in reading your post fully.
 OOH!!! It's like this post is getting to long, I will try to stop here and continue in the next post.
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Your turn! Now, its time to hear from you. What are the techniques you use to write your blog posts, or if you have questions. Let's talk!
Read:What is guest blogging?

About the Author

Elusoji Sodeeq is a young Nigerian blogger, web developer and entreprenuer with interests in IT.
View all posts by: Elusoji Sodeeq


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About Me

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Hi, i am Elusoji sodeeq, I run this little home - #sdktalks#. I am a young student, software programmer and an entrepreneur and I also co-found an IT startup. I don't like to talk (too much) neither is writing my passion (but I write well when I need to). I am multi passionate and :- My passions are my hobbies and my hobbies are my interests, and my interests are my life. Which makes me love my life. There isn't so much to know about me, but you are always free to talk to me.

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