Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why You Should Focus Less On Driving Traffic To Your Blog

By Elusoji Sodeeq   Posted at  12/19/2013 08:29:00 PM   traffic No comments

How do I drive traffic to my blog? Is a question that runs on every bloggers’ lips. Bloggers are so traffic-crazy that some even employ some black hat techniques just to bring traffic to their blog. But I want to tell you today that: what you need to focus more on is “how do I retain the traffic that comes to my blog” rather than how do I bring traffic to my blog.
How do you retain this traffic is what I will reveal to you in this post.

Provide valuable and worthwhile information:

Ok, so you have succeeded in getting the visitor to click on the link to your blog, what next? Why should the visitor bother to stay and look around on your blog? The simple answer to that question is to provide quality and relevant content. This will not only make them stay but keep them coming back for more.

Call To Action:

Not every visitor who visits your site will bookmark it or memorize your blog address, so how then do you make them come back? By simply calling them to action -this action can be to subscribe for your newsletter or subscribe for your blog feed to receive.
And another thing you need to know is that you need to specifically call your visitors to action. Ask them to subscribe, make it very obvious. For example, at the end of each post, you can ask them to subscribe, and also make your subscription box very visible. Tell them why they need to subscribe e.g. so as to receive your future updates or some other benefits you think is worth submitting their emails for.
Doing this will take your visitors from being just visitors to “readers”.

Show Your Readers You Care:

Showing your readers you care about them can go a long way in building a loyal and lasting relationship between your blog and them. Here are few tips to show your readers you care:
·         Use the “you” keyword often in your posts: by making “you” appear frequently in your posts, it makes the reader feel like you’re making the post about them.
·         Ask questions: by asking questions from your readers, it shows you really have them in mind.
·         Answer questions: at every point in time, some of your readers will want to ask you one or two questions, by giving them prompt and sharp answers, they will be appreciative of you and will always want to stick with you.
·         Ask for their opinions: Did you just launch a product, or you are thinking of writing a book. Asking what their opinion is on some your personal and non personal matter indicates that you surely care about them.
If you use combine the skills above, you will not only be driving a whole of traffic to your blog but also building a community of loyal readership. You will be surprised at how fruitful these simple acts can be. Your readers will stay faithful to you, they won’t mind recommending you to some of their friends and they also will be willing to defend you anytime anywhere.
Remember, it is not about the number of followers but the relationship you are able to build between your followers and you. It is better to have just 200 loyal readers -who will share your posts to a countless number of people – than having 1000 visitors who just peep at your blog and go.

…so, what are your thoughts on this article? What would you like to add or remove from my point? Feel free to share with me and others.

About the Author

Elusoji Sodeeq is a young Nigerian blogger, web developer and entreprenuer with interests in IT.
View all posts by: Elusoji Sodeeq


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Hi, i am Elusoji sodeeq, I run this little home - #sdktalks#. I am a young student, software programmer and an entrepreneur and I also co-found an IT startup. I don't like to talk (too much) neither is writing my passion (but I write well when I need to). I am multi passionate and :- My passions are my hobbies and my hobbies are my interests, and my interests are my life. Which makes me love my life. There isn't so much to know about me, but you are always free to talk to me.

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