Saturday, April 26, 2014

25 SEO Terms You Should Know

By Elusoji Sodeeq   Posted at  4/26/2014 10:42:00 PM   SEO Tips No comments

If you own a blog, SEO is a term you can not and should not ignore. And as such, I have come up with a short list of everyday SEO terms you should be familiar with.
Below are some SEO terms you should know:

  1. Anchor Text:
    Anchor text is the clickable part of a link. Usually the blue and underline words on a page where you can click to take you to another page.
  2. Algorithm:
    Algorithm is the formula used by Search Engines to rank the results of a search query. Algorithms are constantly updated to make sure the best and most relevant results are provided.
  3. Alt Attribute:
    Alt tag/attribute is a word or block of text used to explain a image. Normally, search crawlers do not crawl images but when they see this text, it is easier for them to know what kinda image it is. This is also useful in a case whereby a user turns off image loading on their browser or perhaps anything stopped the image from displaying. This can be a very useful SEO practice if properly used.
  4. Bounce Rate:
    is the percentage of visitors who leaves a blog/site without interacting i.e viewing other pages or reading further pages of the blog.
  5. Broken Links:
    Broken links are links that are dead and no longer functional. This might be caused by misspelling the URL address or the destination of the address has been moved or removed.
  6. Conversion Rate:
    conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that actually takes the action(s) you want them to take on your blog. Be it to sign up, make a purchase, download something, require your service or click some links.
  7. Crawler:
    Web crawlers are also known as search bots, spiders or web scutter. Their work is to browse the web and sites -following some sort of algorithm- in order to index them for search engines to download and make them quickly available for users.
  8. Do-Follow:
    When a link is a "do-follow link", search bots can follow the link and therefore pass on link juice. This kind of means that the page giving out the link is vouching for the credibility of the destination of the link.
    You can add the do follow attribute to a link by adding this rel="dofollow" or simply leaving it empty.
    Do-follow is good for SEO.
  9. No-Follow:
    No-follow means search bots should not follow the link but humans can. So, search engines basically ignore the link and no link juice link is passed on.
    No-follow attribute is added to a link by adding the rel='nofollow' .
  10. Indexed Pages:
    Indexed pages are the pages of a website or blog that has already been downloading search engines and are ready to be served to users on demand.
  11. Keyword Density:
    Keyword density is the percentage of times a particular keyword or keyphrase appears on a page. Using keywords effectively and carefully is a very good SEO practice and increases your page's search visibility. This is because it shows the relevance of the page to that particular keyword.
    Although some SEO'ers do abuse this and use it for spamming (keyword spamming) and often get punished when caught.
    How to calculate keyword density?
    (Nkr/Tkn)*100 where Nkr is the number of times a keyword is repeated and Tkn is total number words on the page.
  12. Search Query:
    A search query is the query a user enters into a search engine when they need an information.
  13. Organic Traffic:
    Organic Traffic are those traffic you do not pay for. They come freely and they actually the best. e,g traffic from search engines.
  14. BackLinks:
    Backlinks are links coming to your website/blog from another page on the world wide web.
    Backlinks from high PR sites will increase your blog's pagerank.
  15. OutBound Link:
    Outbound links are links going out from your blog.
  16. InBound Link:
    Same with backlinks. 
  17. Internal Link:
    When you're writing an article on your blog, and you reference some other articles on your blog, you are actually interlinking your blog posts. These links within your blog are internal links. Very good for SEO and helps retain visitors.
  18. External Link:
    Same with outbound links.
  19. PageRank:
    Pagerank is an algorithm used by Google search to rank websites in their search results. Google pagerank is on a scale of 10, and the higher, the better.
  20. SERP:
    SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. This is the page returned by search engines listing the results of the query a user searched for.
  21. SEO:
    Searc Engine Optimization.
    This is the process of carrying out some certain steps to make sure your blog rank higher in search results.
  22. SEM:
    stands for Search Engine Marketing. While SEO is free, SEM is paid. i.e you pay to get your blog listed on SERPs.
  23. Meta Description:
    Meta description is an HTML attribute that gives a hint of what the page is about. Although Google bots and most search engines now ignore it, but it is still worth using.

  24. Landing Page:
    In online marketing a landing page, sometimes known as a "lead capture page" or a "lander", is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement. The landing page will usually display directed sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement, search result or link.
    Landing pages are often linked to from social media, email campaigns or search engine marketing campaigns in order to enhance the effectiveness of the advertisements. The general goal of a landing page is to convert site visitors into sales or leads. By analyzing activity generated by the linked URL, marketers can use click-through rates and conversion rate to determine the success of an advertisement.
    25.Site Map:The site map of a site lists the pages or parts of a website that are accessible to search crawlers. It is used for planning and organizing the content of a website.
There are still lots of SEO terms that are not discussed in this article, but these , I believe, are the basics.
What other SEO terminologies do you know? let's share. Questions are also welcome.

About the Author

Elusoji Sodeeq is a young Nigerian blogger, web developer and entreprenuer with interests in IT.
View all posts by: Elusoji Sodeeq


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Hi, i am Elusoji sodeeq, I run this little home - #sdktalks#. I am a young student, software programmer and an entrepreneur and I also co-found an IT startup. I don't like to talk (too much) neither is writing my passion (but I write well when I need to). I am multi passionate and :- My passions are my hobbies and my hobbies are my interests, and my interests are my life. Which makes me love my life. There isn't so much to know about me, but you are always free to talk to me.

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